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Our Old Time Radio Catalog

Here is an index of our enormous library of classic Vintage Radio Shows.

Series Genre Shows
10-2-4 TimeMusic28
2000 PlusScience Fiction12
21st PrecinctCrime-Detective90
33 Half Moon StreetCrime-Detective45
A Case for Dr. MorelleMystery13
A Date With JudyComedy5
A Date With the DukeMusic8
A Life in Your HandsCrime-Detective11
A Matter of LuckHistory8
A Quarter Century of SwingMusic10
A Salute to the Law - Detective Nick HarrisCrime-Detective11
Abbott and CostelloComedy79
ABC Mystery TimeMystery10
Abroad with the LockhartsComedy7
Academy Award TheaterDrama39
Ada JonesSoap Opera1
Address UnknownMystery28
Adv. of Captain CourageAdventure2
Adventure AheadAdventure11
Adventures of Frank RaceCrime-Detective42
Adventures of Philip MarloweCrime-Detective9
Adventures of Philip MarloweCrime-Detective96
Advs. By MorseAdventure54
Advs. In ResearchHistory71
Advs. of Babe RuthSports7
Advs. of Danny MarsdonAdventure12
Advs. of Dick ColeAdventure18
Advs. of Ellery QueenMystery14
Advs. of Frank Merriwell, TheAdventure36
Advs. of Maisie, TheComedy55
Advs. of Marco Polo, TheAdventure49
Advs. of Sam Spade, TheCrime-Detective67
Advs. of Sonny and BuddyAdventure46
Advs. of The AbbottsCrime-Detective8
Advs. of the Falcon, TheCrime-Detective91
Advs. of the Saint, TheCrime-Detective50
Advs. of the Sea HoundAdventure11
Advs. of Topper, TheComedy3
Afloat with Henry MorganAdventure52
Against the StormSoap Opera17
Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, TheAdventure122
Air CastleKids and Family52
Al Jolson Show, TheComedy10
Al Pearce Show, TheComedy13
Aladdin Lamp Show, TheMusic36
Alan Young Show, TheComedy1
Alan Young Show, TheComedy42
Aldrich Family, TheComedy61
Alka Seltzer TimeMusic18
All Star Western TheatreWestern93
Amazing Mr. Malone, TheCrime-Detective9
America Looks AbroadHistory45
American AdventureHistory23
American Family RobinsonHistory40
American NovelsDrama5
American PortraitsDrama9
American TrailAdventure11
American WeeklyDrama4
American WestAdventure7
Amos & Andy Show, TheComedy286
An American GalleryDrama12
An American in EnglandDrama7
Anderson Family, TheComedy5
Andrew Sisters Show, TheMusic19
Andy GriffithComedy10
Anne of the AirlanesAdventure24
Anne of the AirlanesAdventure24
Anson Weeks Orchestra, TheMusic6
Any Bonds TodayVariety5
Archie AndrewsComedy53
Armed Forces Radio JubileeMusic92
Armed Forces Radio TheaterDrama3
Around the World in 80 DaysAdventure24
Arthur Smith and and his CrackerjacksMusic4
Arthur Smith's Corner StoreMusic14
At EaseMusic25
Author Meets the CriticsOther46
Author's PlayhouseDrama38
Avalon TimeOther33
Avenger, TheCrime-Detective26
Avengers, TheCrime-Detective116
Baby SnooksComedy156
Bakers' Theater of StarsDrama5
Barrel of FunComedy6
Barrie Craig, Confidential InvestigatorCrime-Detective59
Barry Gray Show, TheOther6
Barry Wood Show, TheMusic4
Baseball BroadcastsSports307
Basil Rathbone - Word DetectiveOther5
Battle StationsDrama4
Behind the MikeVariety32
Behind the SceneOther20
Behind the Scenes in HollywoodOther18
Believe It or NotOther40
Bell Telephone Hour EncoresMusic17
Bell Telephone Hour, TheMusic14
Ben Bernie Show, TheMusic13
Benny Goodman's Camel CaravanMusic1
Benny Goodman's Camel CaravanMusic18
Beyond MidnightMystery30
Beyond the FringeAdventure33
Beyond TomorrowScience Fiction4
Bickersons, TheComedy54
Big Band LiveMusic189
Big Jon and SparkieKids and Family41
Big Moments in SportsSports5
Big Show, TheVariety20
Big TownMystery42
Bill Sterns Sports NewsreelSports121
Bing CrosbyComedy427
Bing Crosby & Rosemary Clooney ShowMusic222
Biography In SoundHistory87
Black CastleCrime-Detective2
Black Flame of AmazonAdventure17
Black Mass, TheCrime-Detective16
Black Museum, TheCrime-Detective52
Blackstone, The Magic DetectiveAdventure52
Blair of the MountiesAdventure34
Blue Beetle, TheAdventure24
Bob & RayComedy250
Bob Hope Show, TheComedy189
Bold VentureAdventure57
Boris Karloff's Treasure ChestOther3
Boston BlackieCrime-Detective194
Box 13Mystery52
Breakfast Club with Don McNeilOther1
Bright StarComedy32
Brighter DaySoap Opera2
Broadway Is My BeatCrime-Detective109
Brownstone TheaterDrama1
Buck Rogers in the 25th CenturyScience Fiction15
Bulldog DrummondCrime-Detective6
Burns and Allen Show, TheComedy257
Buster Brown GangKids and Family20
California MelodiesMusic42
Calling All CarsCrime-Detective290
Calling All DetectivesCrime-Detective11
Campbell PlayhouseDrama48
Can You Imagine ThatNews39
Candid Microphone, TheComedy4
Candy Matson, Yukon 28209Crime-Detective14
Captain MidnightAdventure121
Captain Starr of SpaceScience Fiction4
Captains of IndustryHistory52
Carling CountryCrime-Detective3
Carter Brown MysteriesMystery34
Case DismissedDrama12
Casebook of Gregory Hood, TheCrime-Detective12
Casey, Crime PhotographerCrime-Detective77
Cavalcade of AmericaAnthology313
CBS Radio Mystery TheaterMystery1397
CBS Radio WorkshopDrama86
Cecil and SallyComedy8
Challenge of SpaceScience Fiction7
Challenge of The YukonAdventure354
Chamber Music SocietyMusic8
Chandu the MagicianCrime-Detective178
Charles Thomas Show, TheMusic12
Charlie ChanCrime-Detective20
Charlotte Greenwood Show, TheComedy43
Chase, TheAnthology56
Christmas on the MoonKids and Family26
Cinnamon BearKids and Family26
Cisco Kid, TheWestern175
Cloak and DaggerAdventure22
Clock, TheCrime-Detective52
Club Car SpecialComedy10
Columbia WorkshopVariety84
Comic Weekly ManComedy109
Command PerformanceVariety231
Complete Broadcast Day of WJSVHistory19
Consider Your VerdictCrime-Detective5
Corsican BrothersAdventure52
Count of Monte CristoAdventure3
Couple Next Door, TheComedy598
Creaking Door, TheHorror38
Creeps by NightHorror7
Crime and Peter ChambersCrime-Detective21
Crime ClassicsCrime-Detective51
Crime Club, TheCrime-Detective30
Crime Does Not PayCrime-Detective57
Cruise of the Poll ParrotAdventure39
Curtain TimeVariety6
Dad's ArmyComedy66
Damon Runyon Theater, TheAnthology52
Danger, Dr. DanfieldCrime-Detective26
Dangerous AssignmentAdventure23
Dangerously YoursCrime-Detective11
Daredevils of HollywoodAdventure20
Dark FantasyHorror77
Dark VentureHorror6
David Harding, Counter SpyCrime-Detective34
Day in the Life of Dennis DayComedy56
Day of the Triffids, TheOther2
Death Valley DaysWestern2
Defense AttorneyDrama2
Destination FreedomOther23
Detectives Black and BlueComedy5
Diamond DramasDrama25
Diary of FateHorror24
Dick TracyCrime-Detective14
Dimension XScience Fiction50
Dinah Shore Show, TheVariety33
Don Juan in HellOther4
Doris Day Show, TheMusic2
Douglas of the WorldAdventure4
Down Our WayMusic26
Dr. ChristianDrama38
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeMystery52
Dr. KildareDrama14
Dr. Pepper ParadeComedy10
Dr. Six GunWestern27
Drop Me Here, DarlingDrama12
Duffy's TavernComedy127
Dunninger the MentalistOther5
Easy AcesComedy277
Easy MoneyCrime-Detective4
Eddie Cantor - Pabst Blue Ribbon ShowComedy18
Edgar Bergan & Charlie McCarthy Show, TheComedy59
Elgin Watch Company ShowVariety9
Ellery Queen Minute MysteriesMystery25
Empire Builders, TheOther1
Enchanted Hour, TheMusic16
Epic CasebookCrime-Detective10
Europe ConfidentialCrime-Detective22
Everything For the BoysDrama17
Exploring TomorrowScience Fiction6
Family DoctorDrama39
Family TheaterDrama364
Famous Jury TrialsCrime-Detective13
Father Knows BestComedy50
Favorite StoryDrama58
FBI in Peace and WarCrime-Detective39
FDR Fireside Chats & SpeechesHistory54
Federal AgentCrime-Detective8
Fibber McGee and MollyComedy680
Fire FightersAdventure140
First Nighter ProgramMusic20
Fitch BandwagonMusic3
Five Minute MysteryMystery93
Flash GordonScience Fiction29
Fort LaramieWestern35
Four Star PlayhouseAnthology1
Fred Allen Show, TheComedy69
Fred Waring ShowMusic9
Front and CenterVariety3
Front Page DramaDrama175
Frontier FightersWestern39
Frontier GentlemanWestern42
Frontier TownWestern47
Gene Autry's Melody RanchWestern20
George Bruce's Air StoriesAdventure2
Ghost CorpsMystery25
GI JiveMusic82
GI JournalMusic5
Glenn MillerMusic93
Glenn Miller's Moonlight SerenadeMusic14
Good News Variety ShowVariety47
Granby's Green AcresComedy6
Grand Central StationDrama3
Grand Ole OpryMusic17
Great Gildersleeve, TheComedy507
Greatest Story Ever Told, TheReligious45
Green Hornet, TheCrime-Detective142
Green Lama, TheAdventure5
Groucho MarxComedy1
Guest Star RadioComedy105
Guiding LightSoap Opera91
Hall of Fantasy, TheHorror32
Halls of IvyComedy90
Halmark PlayhouseDrama90
Hancock's Half HourComedy84
Hardy Family, TheComedy14
Haunting Hour, TheMystery27
Have Gun, Will TravelWestern106
Hear it NowNews25
Heartbeat TheaterDrama48
Heritage Over the LandOther12
Hermit's CaveHorror25
Hilltop HouseSoap Opera17
Hollywood Radio TheaterDrama2
Hollywood SpotlightComedy6
Hollywood Star TimeDrama30
Honest Harold the HomemakerComedy37
Hop HarriganAdventure109
Hopalong CassidyWestern92
Horatio HornblowerAdventure66
Horizons WestWestern13
Hour of CharmMusic8
House of MysteryMystery2
Howie WingAdventure6
I Deal in CrimeCrime-Detective3
I Love a MysteryMystery96
I Love AdventureAdventure13
I Love LucyComedy1
I Sustain the WingsMusic9
I Was a Communist for the FBIAdventure74
In the Name of the LawCrime-Detective12
Incredible, But TrueOther80
Information, PleaseOther218
Inner SanctumHorror175
It's a Crime, Mr. CollinsCrime-Detective14
It's Higgins, SirComedy13
Jack Armstrong, The All American BoyAdventure94
Jack Benny Show, TheComedy781
Jack Paar Show, TheComedy6
Jean ShepherdComedy25
Jeff Regan, InvestigatorAdventure21
Jerry at Fair OaksAdventure63
Jerry of the CircusKids and Family128
Jimmy Durante Show, TheComedy1
John Steele, AdventurerAdventure17
Johnny Madero - Pier 23Adventure2
Journey Into SpaceScience Fiction52
Judy Canova Show, TheComedy53
Jumbo Fire Chief ShowMusic12
Jungle JimAdventure426
Junior G-MenAdventure51
Komedie KapersComedy48
Leo Is on the AirComedy91
Les MiserablesDrama7
Les Paul Show, TheMusic19
Let George Do ItCrime-Detective186
Let's PretendKids and Family53
Life of Mary Southern, TheSoap Opera219
Life of Riley, TheComedy186
Life With LuigiComedy138
Lightning JimWestern12
Lights OutHorror96
Little Orphan AnnieAdventure37
Little Theater of the AirMystery30
Lone Ranger, TheAdventure1533
Love Story MagazineSoap Opera26
Luke Slaughter of TombstoneWestern13
Lum & AbnerComedy931
Lux Radio TheatreDrama629
Ma PerkinsSoap Opera55
Magic IslandKids and Family130
Mail CallVariety31
Majestic's Master of MysteryMystery6
Man Behind the Gun, TheDrama7
Mandrake, the MagicianAdventure1
March of Time, TheHistory50
Mark TrailAdventure36
Martin and LewisComedy20
Marx BrothersComedy26
Mary Lee Taylor CookingOther35
Mary Noble, Backstage WifeSoap Opera144
Matinee TheaterDrama22
Maxwell House Coffee TimeComedy17
Mayor of the TownComedy10
Meet the MeeksComedy71
Mel Blanc Show, TheComedy41
Melody HourMusic55
Men Who Made AmericaHistory10
Mercury Summer TheaterDrama15
Mercury Theater - Hello AmericansDrama12
Mercury Theater on the AirDrama18
MGM Theater of the AirDrama11
Michael ShayneCrime-Detective29
Mickey Mouse TheaterKids and Family6
Molle Mystery TheaterMystery50
Moon Over AfricaAdventure26
Moon RiverMusic38
Mr. Ace & JaneComedy15
Mr. and Mrs. NorthAdventure38
Mr. District AttorneyCrime-Detective18
Mr. Keen - Tracer of Lost PersonsCrime-Detective53
Mr. MotoCrime-Detective7
Murder at MidnightHorror29
Murder By ExpertsCrime-Detective5
My Favorite HusbandComedy100
My Friend IrmaComedy47
My Word!Comedy279
Myrt and MargeSoap Opera112
Mysterious CircumstancesMystery13
Mysterious Traveller, TheMystery62
Mystery HouseMystery14
Mystery is My HobbyCrime-Detective10
Navy Lark, TheComedy97
NBC University TheaterDrama110
Nero Wolfe, the New Adventures ofCrime-Detective25
Nick Carter - Master DetectiveCrime-Detective124
Night BeatCrime-Detective76
Night Watch, TheCrime-Detective47
Now Hear ThisDrama11
Old Gold Comedy TheaterComedy29
Old Time Radio CommercialsOther151
Omar Wizard of PersiaAdventure13
On StageDrama42
One Man's FamilyDrama230
One World FlightOther12
Orbit One ZeroScience Fiction6
Orbiter XScience Fiction4
Order in the CourtCrime-Detective10
Origin of Superstition, TheDrama39
Our Miss BrooksComedy181
Over HereVariety6
Ozzie & HarrietComedy56
Pacific StoryHistory82
Pat Novak - For HireCrime-Detective24
People Are FunnyComedy25
People Under CommunismHistory4
Perry MasonCrime-Detective248
Pete Kelly's BluesCrime-Detective7
Phil Harris & Alice Faye ShowComedy125
Philo VanceCrime-Detective95
Phyl Coe MysteriesMystery11
Planet Man, TheScience Fiction71
Police HeadquartersCrime-Detective37
Police ReporterCrime-Detective25
Ports of CallOther36
Quiet, PleaseHorror89
Radio City PlayhouseDrama61
Radio Hall of FameVariety91
Radio NovelDrama3
Radio Reader's DigestOther40
Railroad HourVariety7
Ranger BillReligious75
Red Horse RanchMusic26
Red RyderAdventure49
Red Skelton ShowComedy197
Redbook Magazine DramasDrama19
Rex Saunders - ArtistCrime-Detective16
Richard DiamondCrime-Detective115
Ripley's Believe It or NotOther416
Rocky FortuneAdventure25
Rocky JordanAdventure93
Rogers of the GazetteDrama30
Rogue's GalleryCrime-Detective21
Romance of the RanchosWestern32
Rotary Golden TheaterDrama12
Roy Rogers Show, TheWestern61
Scarlet Pimpernel, TheAdventure49
Science Magazine of the AirHistory22
Screen Directors' PlayhouseDrama120
Screen Guild TheaterDrama108
Secret Agent K7 ReturnsAdventure69
Secrets of Scotland YardCrime-Detective57
Shell ChateauVariety43
Sherlock HolmesCrime-Detective255
Shorty Bell: Cub ReporterDrama4
Silent Men, TheAdventure27
Silver TheaterDrama46
Six Shooter, TheWestern41
Sleep No MoreCrime-Detective11
Soldiers of the PressHistory28
Songs by SinatraMusic8
Space PatrolScience Fiction100
Speed Gibson of the International Secret PoliceAdventure106
Spine ChillersHorror7
Spy CatcherAdventure25
Squad CarsCrime-Detective79
Stand by for CrimeCrime-Detective25
Stars Over HollywoodDrama42
Stella DallasSoap Opera10
Story Lady, TheOther216
Story of All of UsHistory9
Story of Aunt Mary, TheSoap Opera583
Straight ArrowKids and Family8
Strange AdventureAdventure257
Strange as it SeemsOther63
Strange Doctor WeirdDrama32
Stroke of FateHistory13
Studio OneDrama54
Superman, The Advs. ofAdventure1135
Swing TimeMusic1
Tales of the Diamond KKids and Family38
Tales of the Texas RangersCrime-Detective87
Tales of TomorrowScience Fiction8
That Hammer GuyCrime-Detective12
That Was the YearHistory38
The Ampol ShowComedy7
The Andre Kostalanetz ShowMusic7
The Ave Maria HourReligious145
The Clyde Beatty ShowAdventure52
The Comedy Writers ShowComedy4
The Fat ManCrime-Detective27
The GoldbergsSoap Opera23
The LineupCrime-Detective56
The Magnificent MontagueComedy20
The Man Called XAdventure91
The MarriageComedy23
The Private Life of Ethel and AlbertComedy1
The Sealed BookMystery26
The ShadowCrime-Detective234
The Shadow of Fu ManchuAdventure84
The Sound of WarHistory18
The Third Man: The Lives of Harry LimeAdventure52
The Two DaffodilsComedy7
The WitnessAnthology16
The World is YoursHistory11
Theater 1030Drama13
Theater FiveDrama144
Theater of RomanceDrama207
Theatre RoyalDrama45
These Are Our MenDrama10
Thirty Minutes in HollywoodAnthology8
This is Your FBICrime-Detective277
Thrills of the Highway PatrolCrime-Detective4
Tide Show, TheMusic22
Tom Corbett, Space CadetScience Fiction10
Tom Mix Straight ShootersKids and Family24
Tonight at Nine ThirtyDrama10
True Detective MysteriesCrime-Detective10
Unit 99Crime-Detective41
Unsolved MysteriesMystery4
Up for ParoleCrime-Detective10
Vanishing PointHorror8
Vic & SadeComedy327
Victory Parade of Spotlight BandsMusic217
Voice of the ArmyDrama49
Voices of HistoryNews104
Voyage of Scarlet QueenAdventure33
W.C. FieldsComedy2
Walk Softly, Peter TroyCrime-Detective11
Weird Circle, TheHorror78
Whatever Became of ...History32
Whisperer, TheCrime-Detective10
Whistler, TheCrime-Detective487
Whitehall 1212Crime-Detective43
Who is The Tenth ManOther13
Wild Bill HickokWestern225
Will RogersComedy1
Wings Over the DiamantinaDrama26
Words at WarHistory88
World Adventurer's ClubAdventure32
World War II ShowsNews390
Wormwood ForestKids and Family16
X Minus OneScience Fiction126
Yankee YarnsOther52
Yes, What?Comedy80
You Are ThereHistory83
You Bet Your LifeComedy118
Young Widder BrownSoap Opera72
Your Army AirforceHistory11
Your Hit ParadeMusic90
Yours Truly, Johnny DollarCrime-Detective716
Zero Hour, TheAdventure128


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